Friday, December 29, 2006
Expiry - An expiration, especially of a contract or an agreement
THE dateline is drawing near...Sometimes, timing is everything.
Hallelujah - Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord that internet is up! (I felt soooooo deprived)Praise the Lord that it is Friday! TGIF!
Praise the Lord the we're staring at a 4-days long break in the face!
Praise the Lord that 2006 is coming to a close!
Praise the Lord that 2007 is a NEW year!
Praise the Lord that I have everyone I love around me :)
Praise the Lord that HE is!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Unappreciated - Not recognized, as to quality or worth
Sometimes I ask myself: whose love are you coveting?I see too many people feeling lousy about themselves because they are not Mr. Popular or Ms Congeniality. They feel that they are neglected, overlooked or unappreciated.
I think, it all boils down to one coveting the love not reciprocated, and turning a blind eye to those who really care and love you, sometimes to the point of neglecting, overlooking and not appreciating. I think there's nothing with feeling sad that XXX doesn't fancy you, just don't go around as though "the whole world owes you" and hurting the very people you should cherish. I do not refer to just one. Just something I've observed as a bystander. And I am just as guilty.
Whose love are you coveting? Isn't there Somebody who is always by your side?
In this Christmas season, let's count our blessings in those we have and not take anyone for granted.
Author: Heh, I must add my signature disclaimers - yes, I am just commenting on ONE aspect of the issue. Of course I recognise it can be more complex than this.
Team - To gather or join in a team, a band, or a cooperative effort
My department had a sumptuous dinner at Cafe d'Amigos yesterday. Yummy... But a bit ex la.. The boss said he'd give us a bottle if we ordered at least 2 set meals... which was priced at $42+++ each. So, i did order one la. Well, it was quite worth the price :) The food's really good...

Anyway, here's the coup of prezzies from my colleagues. I am simply amazed at the amount of effort they put into the gifts. They're all very very wo-sim one lor. (I am NOT going to mention what I got for everyone... something BOR-sim, not even wrapped... *ashamed*)

I honestly feel I'm not very good with prezzies and stuff. Or I'm very bor-sim. I usually buy gifts either on a "by the way" basis or under a "compulsory" basis (eg. gift exchange). Very seldom do I feel like blessing someone with gifts. Only once in a blue moon when something strikes me as something someone mentioned they liked... or purely by inspiration, do I get the sudden spark to buy something for someone.
1st New Year resolution: I'll list the names of people I wanna thank for Christmas and buy personal gifts. And try not to forget birthdays.
Wade - To walk in a substance that yields to the feet
Answering BLM's question... I'm supposed to go on a retreat with my spiritual family to Kluang.Well, supposed, because if you've been keeping up with the news, Johor is flooded, particularly in Kluang and Muar currently. Not so funny when there has in fact been fatality in this instance... and the flood situation is worse than what our neighbours were prepared for...
So, the retreat is still onz.. venue TBC.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Segment - One of the parts into which something naturally separates or is divided; a division, portion, or section
Due to an unfortunate fact that my brain functions in a segmented manner, it just dawned on me that...I'll be missing opening prezzies with my family (my cute nieces!) on Christmas morning.
How depressing is that.
I think I need a cheer me up *hint hint* Can you please give me a present?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Perform II
Yeah, wanted a photo with a view of the stage, and Steph sent this to my mail today... thanks Gal!

Thanks to Mr Loh for taking this photograph too :)
Monday, December 18, 2006
HIS eyes are on you.
Ron was a fifteen-year-old teenager, a tenth-grade student at Granger High School. It was game day, and he was the only sophomore suiting up with the varsity team. Excitedly, he invited his mother to attend. It was her very first football game, and she promised to be there with several of her friends. The game finally ended, and she was waiting outside the locker room to drive Ron home."What did you think of the game, Mom? Did you see the three touchdown passes our team made and our tough defense, and the fumble on the kickoff return that we recovered?" he asked.
His mother replied, "Ron, you were magnificent. You have such presence, and I was proud of the pride you took in the way you looked. You pulled up your knee socks eleven times during the game, and I could tell you were perspiring in all those bulky pads because you got eight drinks and splashed water on your face twice. I really like how you went out of you way to pat number nineteen, number five and number ninety on the back every time they came off the field."
"Mom, how do you know all that? And how can you say I was magnificent? I didn't even play in the game."
His mother smiled and hugged him.
"Ron, I don't know anything about football. I didn't come here to watch the game. I came here to watch you!"
by Dan Clark As appeared in A 2nd Chicken Soup for the Women's Soul
I told Ms Tulip Gal tt I'd find a happy story cuz she said the caterpillar story was too sad... hahahah.. But this story made me cry :p
You know... HE just whispered that HE is so proud of U.
Perform - To do, execute, or achieve something
Hee... it's finally over, my End Term Performance. Yup, I'm sorry you haven't heard of it earlier, I really didn't want many friends to be around to see me make a fool of myself, so I only asked a few people to be there.
Basically, it's a kind of "graduation" performance that I had for the keyboard lessons I took. A "live" public performance at the school's Hark Cafe. I managed to "siam" a few performances for the past terms, but this one was for graduation and I guess my teacher's patience and tolerance for my "attitude" really encouraged me enough to want to try. Yes, I was the sulky and lazy student. *Hai...*
Guess I'm glad I did it. Something in me dig the adrenalin rush. I felt I could have done better but I guess, I did the best for my standard. Haha...
Actually I am looking back with a certain gladness about the whole thing.
Really glad to have known my teachers and my classmates. My latest teacher is this sweet pretty young patient person that really really tolerated my nonsense. Really. I'm thankful also for my previous teacher who in a way, taught me the "science" of music and made everything make sense. It was really really cool!
My classmates are all so fun and accepting. I was the "new" student, so at first, I wasn't really in their frequency. But as the days passed, I really grew to appreciate them for their joyfulness and especially during this period of stress, I believe we kinda bonded. The smses that flew between our mobiles were such kind words of encouragement. Nice... Thanks to my classmate who came with a camera and MD player to crystalize the night with pictures and finally a CD of our performances... waaaay cool. Not that I'll want to listen to my songs la...
Many thanks to the friends that made the effort to brave the rain, tiredness, dizziness from shuttling around and indigestion (from rushing thru dinner) to be there. I really appreciate everyone of you for coming. It really made a big difference. I'm glad I made a fool of myself in front of you and not anyone else... hahahah... and for bearing with my whinings :p I hope you had fun too.. And the flowers! Oh my... they are sooooo pretty... Thanks!!! I didn't quite notice how pretty they looked until today when I put them into the vase of Newater :) wahhh... pretty pretty..

Happy happy happy. Just remember the good... hahahah.... and forget the bad.
Friday, December 15, 2006
蒲公英 - Dandelion
Hi guys, I guessed, and now confirmed, some of you dunno what's a 蒲公英.As I always say, EVERYTHING can be found on the internet. I love Wikipedia (Chinese & En) !!!
This is a dandelion flower...

And I think you'll find this more familiar looking.
Pretty right? :)
Labels: flowers
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Fairytale - An interesting but highly implausible story
I think I told Ms 12mustardseeds I'd share this story if I find it :) Here goes:
从前,在美丽的公园里,有一只可爱的毛毛虫,它每天在公园里无忧无虑的爬来爬去.有一天它快乐的哼着小调兴高采烈向前爬,不小心撞在了一株挺立的蒲公英的身上,"哎呦!" 蒲公英发出娇嫩的一声呢喃,毛毛虫好奇的仰起头,它端详着蒲公英翠绿的肤色,修长的身躯,有礼貌的问候一句;"你好呀,为什么你顶着黄色的太阳伞?真漂亮."蒲公英缓缓的底下头,微笑着说;"那是未来,有一天它会带着梦想起飞."毛毛虫不解的看着蒲公英,"那我为什么不能飞?我们做朋友好吗?"蒲公英说:"好呀,总有一天你也会飞的,只要带着心中的信念."从此以后,毛毛虫每天都会爬来看蒲公英,和她讲公园中其它地方的故事,蒲公英会专心的听、,她或笑或点头或忧郁,却从来没有哭过,毛毛虫喜欢讲故事给蒲公英听,因为它喜欢在故事过后注视蒲公英的表情.那种阳光般温暖的表情.
Forfeit - To lose; lose the right to
"Customers must note that the carriage forward must be utilised within the present month: only a maximum amount of up to the subscribed plan free usage will be carried forward."Omi. I've wasted more than 70+++ hrs of my Singnet hours just because my ADSL modem's spoilt! I'm so peeved :(
Argh... anyone has an ADSL modem to spare? Anyone?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Decided - Free from ambiguity
Today no class. No more classes.
My Thursday nights will never be the same again.
Should I start another course? What course?
Should I leave it free? For who? Myself or you?
I think I already had a decision in mind yesterday. I know what was being said, but I felt I made a decision and it doesn't seem like I will waver in the near future.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Boo Boo - Errors; mistakes
I made a boo boo at work again. I forgot to switch off the main switch to our auditorium on Sat that has implications more immediate than colonies of penguines dying. The facilities guy only found out this morning.WHY am I so blur and forgetful? Do NOT ever trust me to take care of your house for you, I may blow it up.
WHY couldn't I just say no to help?
:( :( :(
Pls pray that none of the equipment's burnt up k?
Monday, December 04, 2006
Exterminate - To destroy utterly; to cut off
When it comes to things I am not happy with, my response is usually swift. ELIMINATE!
Not the usual procrastinating self in this case. I prefer to take a harsh approach albeit unwise at times. Perhaps my stubborness takes the form of firm decisions, when actually made.
I don't usually change my mind. Few things are exceptions.
Few. And I will eliminate the few too.
Author's note: Imagine I was speaking in the Terminator tone. Hahha... i'm amusing myself here. Really. hhaahahaha...
On a serious note, really serious note, I am very very very lost. I've ran on a treadmill, with no destination, no purpose, not point. I AM coming to the sudden realisation that in the very areas of my life that bothers me to the point of crippling, where I expand countless hours pondering upon in my head, I am getting nowhere. NOWHERE.
I am left feeling like I've owed it to someone, like I've let somebody down, like I'm not been good enough or failed some expectations. I am indignant, yet fully guilty.
It's all in my head, and no action. I'm crippled by an unknown enemy.
What should I do?
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Saturday - The day following Friday
WHY?Why am I back in office on Saturday???
Friday, December 01, 2006
Pele - O Rei do Futebol
Yes, I'm back from a bout of stomach flu. Boo... It's nothing like my happy bug I assure u. I hate stomach flu.And because of it, I hadn't blogged about my encounter with the GREAT PELE. Yes people I met him! In fact, I shook his hand, got a greeting kiss from him, got his signature on the back of my O2 mini and photographs to prove it all! hahaha... Just that the cameraman is from an events company... not sure if I'll be able to get my hands on the photos... but I want lorrr~!
It was really an unexpected meeting la, my boss and I had no idea what we were in for, cuz we were told to go somewhere very very last minute. I am not going to openly publicise what the event was for, will tell you offline la.
Too bad half the excitement was doused by the stupid stomach flu. Bleah!