Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Jump - To parachute from an aircraft
I looked up to Number 7.Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step.
I looked down. No challenge.
Safe and sound.
It's a game I used to play when I was 10 years old. I challenged myself to jump off steps at the HDB lobby near my uncle's provision shop. It was my childhood playground - I learnt Chinese chess from the older girl from the coffeeshop, learnt to cycle at the back alley from some older boy who I call “无名哥哥“, played catching all around the block, pounced on countless flies (don't ask) and fed the alley cats... childhood games :)
So as I was saying, I used to challenge myself by jumping off steps. As the story goes, at the height of my prime, I used to jump off the 12th step. (Or 14th? I can't remember.) Perhaps that's how I trained my ankles to be strong, but being lightweight sure helps I guess.
I had an appetite for thrills. And risks.
If natural progression is anything to go by, I should be doing sky-diving by now.
Sadly, the natural progression in this instance was not going the way of arithmetic progression, instead it went the bell-curve way. At a certain point, what went up came down. The limiting factor being the conception of safety. Or rather, danger.
You know what?
I still want to sky-dive.
Within safe boundaries, belief that I can do something, coupled with unrelenting faith, add a bit of determination, plus a pinch of wisdom, minus fear of the unknown, minus discouraging doubts... And of course, with every plan wholly surrendered to God in prayer.
I am sure somewhere along the line I can balance all of these and find my place.
I can fine-tune this equation along the way :D