Friday, December 22, 2006
Unappreciated - Not recognized, as to quality or worth

Sometimes I ask myself: whose love are you coveting?

I see too many people feeling lousy about themselves because they are not Mr. Popular or Ms Congeniality. They feel that they are neglected, overlooked or unappreciated.

I think, it all boils down to one coveting the love not reciprocated, and turning a blind eye to those who really care and love you, sometimes to the point of neglecting, overlooking and not appreciating. I think there's nothing with feeling sad that XXX doesn't fancy you, just don't go around as though "the whole world owes you" and hurting the very people you should cherish. I do not refer to just one. Just something I've observed as a bystander. And I am just as guilty.

Whose love are you coveting? Isn't there Somebody who is always by your side?

In this Christmas season, let's count our blessings in those we have and not take anyone for granted.

Author: Heh, I must add my signature disclaimers - yes, I am just commenting on ONE aspect of the issue. Of course I recognise it can be more complex than this.

shups! walked on the sunny side.